Today, we’re featuring a post by Lars Lofgren. Lars is a
Marketing Analyst, Kissmetrics is an analytic website that delivers key
insights and timely interactions to turn visitors into customers. In
this post from 2012, he highlights the best 6 growth hacks to get
customers without having to pay for them. Enjoy!!!
Growing a business is no easy feat. Every dollar counts.
But what if we could “hack” our growth? Instead of paying $20 to
acquire a new customer, we could focus on projects that continue to
bring us new customers long after we’ve finished improving. Paying for
the hack once and enjoying growth long after the fact sounds like a good
deal to me.
Well, that’s exactly what I’m going to show you how to do. By the time you reach the end of this article, you’ll know:
- What a viral loop needs in order to actually work
- How to use social proof to get more customers
- What a high-growth home page looks like
- The main challenges from product integrations
Let’s get started and dive right into the first growth hack: site speed!
1. Site Speed
A slow site turns customers away. It has a direct impact on your wallet. In fact, “a 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.”
I’ve even seen tests where a 500ms delay dropped conversions by 10%.
Most likely, your site isn’t just facing a 1 second delay; it’s
probably 2-3 seconds slower than it could be. Simply by reducing the
time it takes for your pages to load, you could increase conversions by
15-21%. With just one growth hack, that’s a 15% increase in your
customer growth this year.
So how fast is fast?
Ideally, you want a page load time of under 2 seconds. For the vast
majority of sites out there, this is a feasible load time that you can
get at a reasonable cost. It’s a nice sweet spot before you have to pull
out the expensive Jedi site tricks to get any faster.
2. Social Proof
Your site should OOZE social proof. Seriously, it should be
everywhere. Put it on your home page, your landing pages, your account
signups, and your thank you pages. If you have a blank spot on your site
and you’re not sure what to do with it, use some social proof.
See, we use the actions of others to guide us through decisions in
our daily lives. Whenever we’re uncertain about which action we should
take, we automatically look to those around us for guidance. If you’re
at a fancy restaurant that has silverware you’ve never seen before,
you’ll look at other people to see how they’re doing it.
Not only do we look to others for help, we also look to them for
reassurance. When we see people taking the same action we have, it calms
our fears and tells us that we’re going in the right direction.
Just by including social proof in your site, you’ll encourage people
to become a customer and you’ll reassure them at each step of the
Here’s the social proof “tools of the trade”:
Good ol’ testimonials, the most popular (and one of the most effective) type of social proof.
We know businesses are biased and that they’ll always put themselves
in the best light. So your marketing message is always much more
powerful if someone else says it. You can overcome that skepticism by
getting quotes from past customers.
Here are a few examples.
There’s two popular ways to do this. The first option is to use the logos of your biggest clients.
Your second option is to use logos from the biggest media sources that have talked about you.
But let’s say that you don’t have any big name clients. In fact, you
don’t have ANY clients. And the media hasn’t mentioned you at all. Is
there a way to still use authoritative logos?
Absolutely. Use logos of products and services that you or your
product work with. So if your product integrates with Gmail, Outlook and
Yahoo Mail, put those logos on your site. And if you provide freelance
services, you could display the logos of products that you have
experience with in your field. It won’t have the same punch as listing
well-known companies as your clients but it definitely helps.
Customer Statistics
How many customers have used your business this month? As you soon as
you reach a respectable volume, definitely get that number in front of
The best part is you can pick and choose how you display this customer activity to present yourself in the best light.
Let’s run through some examples.
AWeber gives a list of a people that have just signed up on their own signup page:
You get names, locations, and how recently they signup up. For
someone on the fence that’s trying to decide whether or not to finish
filling out the form, this social proof gives great reassurance that
other people are also doing the exact same process right now.
37signals uses social proof by telling us how many customers are using Basecamp right on the basecamp homepage:
Another good option is to display the number of Twitter followers, email subscribers, and Facebook fans you have.
Here’s how SEOmoz has used this on their blog:
Case Studies
This is a more developed version of the testimonial. But instead of
using an entire quote from one of your customers, you tell their story.
Generally, a case study will start by describing the problem of the
customer. Then you’ll tell the story of how that customer used your
product or service to achieve everything they were looking for.
When you weave quotes, benefits of your product, and details on how
the customer solved their problem into a cohesive story, it’s easy for
other people to see how they’ll benefit.
Here are some examples from great case studies:
3. On Ramp Programs
How are new customers introduced to your business? If someone buys a
product from your ecommerce store, do you treat them the same as someone
that’s already purchased dozens of products from you?
And what about people that sign up for the free trials of your SaaS
product? Do they get the same experience as your power users?
When someone becomes a customer for the first time, they will
critique everything you do. It’s a critical juncture. Either you’ll
fulfill their needs and they’ll become a loyal customer or something
will be missing and you’ll lose them forever. You only have one shot to
turn a new customer into a loyal fan.
There’s a couple of ways to ensure that you keep as many customers as possible.
The New User Experience (NUX)
Brand new customers have different needs that your regular customers.
So if you have a SaaS product, give new customers a unique user
experience that helps them start using your product.
Go ahead and give them a step-by-step process to get started, call
out critical features they should be aware of, and help them navigate
This is exactly what Airbnb does when you create a new account. First, you get a welcome box that offers a quick tour:
As soon as you click on the “take a tour of this page” button, you get a popup explaining one of the features of the page:
Email Drip Campaigns
Whenever someone gives you their email, you should have a series of
emails that get sent to them on a predefined schedule. We call it a drip
campaign, because the emails consistently drip to your customers one at
a time.
This is the perfect point to give your new customers valuable content
that they weren’t expecting (this builds more trust) and you can also
start introducing them to other products or features of your product. A
popular model is to use a 3:1 ratio between valuable content and other
offers. In other words, try sending three emails right after someone
becomes a customer that helps them solve their problems. On the 4th
email, provide an offer for another product of yours. Be sure to test
different ratios with your customers to see what they get the most value
4. Barebones Home Pages
Many visitors won’t enter your site through the home page. They’ll
hit some random page you’ve worked your SEO magic on. Or maybe they find
a page that was shared by one of their friends.
But as soon as they become even slightly interested in your offer,
they’ll go straight to the home page to figure out what you’re all
about. That’s when you either make the sale or they disappear forever.
For most sites, the home page is by far the most complicated page on
the entire site. There are videos, hundreds of links, multiple calls to
action, and a general mess of random stuff. So when visitors are making
the critical decision on whether or not to bring your business into
their lives, why are you making it difficult for them to make a
decision? Remember, people are risk averse and their default decision is
to turn away. They’re looking for an excuse to walk out the door.
It’s your job to give them a reason to stay. And a complicated home page will never help you do this.
Go bare bones on your home page. Cut it down to the essential
elements. This includes one headline to describe your value proposition
and a call to action. Everything else is secondary.
Let’s go through some of the companies that have achieved
unbelievable user growth rates in the last couple of years. This is how
the big dogs do it:
There’s a video and a call to action button telling you to download the product. That’s it. No fuss or tomfoolery here:
Over the last few years, Twitter has definitely matured into a robust
social media platform with plenty of features. Surely they must need a
complicated home page to convey the full value of Twitter to new people?
Nope, it’s as simple as it gets:
Two sentences of copy, a single photo, and sign up/sign in boxes. Nothing more.
What about Quora? Most people still don’t know what Quora is since it
hasn’t quite gone mainstream. But instead of trying to say everything,
they also focus on the bare essentials:
We all know that Facebook is eating the world. Well, their home page
has helped them do it. I strongly encourage you to log out of Facebook
(GASP! Say it ain’t so!) and take a peek at their home page. You’ll find
There’s a two lines of copy about Facebook Mobile and the entire form
to create an account. Even with the briefest of glances, I know exactly
what I need to do next (fill out the form). Do you want to be the next
Zuck? Then start learning from the guy and chop your home page down. Be
The daily deal space and dozens of knock-offs and competitors all
vying for the same market space. With so much competition, Groupon had
to find a way to grow just to stay alive.
And guess what, they used a bare bones home page to help them do it:
One headline, one dropdown to select your city, and one button to go to the next step. Dead simple.
5. Product Integrations
This is where the pros play. Instead of trying to build a customer
base from scratch, why not piggy back off what other businesses have
already done?
This is exactly what Spotify did when they launched in the US.
Instead of building their user base from scratch, they were one of the
first companies to
integrate their product into the Facebook News Feed.
Here are some of the best platform integrations we’ve seen:
This may seem like a shortcut to growth but there are still plenty of challenges to overcome.
Where do you make your stand?
Each platform is different and you don’t have the time or resources
to go after all of them. Maybe you decide to build your product on iOS.
But Apple’s App Store is ruthlessly competitive. It can be nearly
impossible to break into the Top 10 App lists.
Or maybe you go the Facebook route. But now you’ll have to deal with a
developer platform that’s always in flux. Your integration works today
but maybe it breaks tomorrow.
Each platform has its own quirks and formulas for success.
Can you get out?
Once you pick a platform, it can be nearly impossible to back out if it turns into a bad match.
Let’s say you were convinced 2 years ago that the Blackberry market
was perfect for your product. So you blocked off several months of time
for your engineering team to adapt your product to that platform. But
now you’re not even sure if RIMM will survive another 6 months. And you
desperately need your engineers to focus on other high-priority tasks
but you’re forced to maintain a dead-end integration. How do you tell
your Blackberry customers that you’ll no longer be supporting them?
This is exactly what Zynga is facing right now as
demand for Facebook games wanes. A huge portion of Zynga’s growth came from Facebook but now it’s going to be very difficult to chart a new course.
6. Viral Loops
This is the holy grail of growth hacking. In fact, it’s the dream of
any marketer. A viral loop means that if you start with 10 customers,
they’ll bring more than 10 other customers to you. Each batch of new
customers gets larger and larger as you go viral.
To be all shmancy pants about this, we say that we have a viral coefficient of more than 1.
If you have a viral coefficient of 1, that means that on average,
each customer gets one more person to also become a customer. You’ve
just doubled the effectiveness of every marketing campaign you’ll run.
If the viral coefficient is below 1, that means your growth will
stall sooner or later without an injection of new customers from
Here’s the deal: building a legitimate viral loop that actually works
is just about impossible. For it to work, you virality needs to be a
fundamental part of your product. Taking an existing product and
attempting to bolt on a viral loop just doesn’t work. People never go
for it. Let’s go through a real example to see how this works.
Skype has an amazing viral loop that’s built into the fabric of its
product. Once you’ve started to use the product, you’ll encourage
friends and family to join you so everyone can easily keep in touch. As
they start Skyping with you, they’ll encourage people in their network
to also use it. Before long,
Skype gets bought by Microsoft for $8.56 billion.
Other products that have virality built into the product include:
- Ebay
- Craigslist
- Dropbox (shared folders)
- Facebook
- Twitter
- LinkedIn
- Paypal
- Youtube
- Groupon
When a product produces a viral loop, ridiculous growth is possible.
Here’s the bad news: your business probably doesn’t have a viral loop.
And if you try to force one onto your customers, you’ll probably just
annoy them and turn prospects away. Some products are ideal for sharing,
others aren’t.
Now, that’s not to say you shouldn’t increase your viral coefficient.
Using refer-a-friend campaigns and making your product shareable could
increase your viral coefficient from 0.2 to 0.6. Will you have a viral
loop? No. But your marketing will be WAY more profitable.
The Bottom Line
Most companies try to grow by paying for each customer they acquire.
If you get the margins right, this is definitely a viable strategy.
Or you can hack your way to growth. You’ll have to pay for the talent
and time to set up the hack. But once everything’s in place, you can
continue to enjoy the increased growth with little or no maintenance.
When you’re ready to jump down this rabbit hole, consider these growth hacks:
- Increase site speed
- Use social proof
- Build an on-ramp program
- Use a bare-bones home page
- Integrate your product with the right platform
- Increase your viral coefficient
What growth hacks did I miss? Tell us in the comments!
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